Deuxième campagne de fouilles franco-italienne à Policoro (Basilicate) Compte rendu préliminaire



di Massimo Osanna*, Stéphane Verger**, Rossella Pace*** Gabriel Zuchtriegel****, Francesca Silvestrelli*****

con Appendici di E. Belgiovine, D. Capuzzo, S. Bianco, A. Preite, C. Rescigno

* Soprintendenza Pompei. Parco Archeologico di Pompei
** École Pratique des Hautes Études, UMR 8546-AOROC, Paris
*** UMR 8546-AOROC, Paris
**** Fondation A. von Humboldt, Berlin
***** Università del Salento, Lecce

The excavation of Policoro (Basilicata), which began in 2014, continued in 2015 as part of a second campaign and was carried out by an Italian and French team. Discoveries in area A include new structures linked to bronze coinage manufacturing as well as remains from the collapse of the portico roof at the beginning of the 1st century BC, perhaps connected to the finds of war projectiles. Within the Hellenistic insula of area B, layers dating back to the Classical period were excavated (last third of the 5th century and beginning of the 4th century BC). In a pit discovered there, filled with many pottery sherds, fragments of two Lucanian red figure craters were identified. To the south of the insula, thick backfills of the Hellenistic epoch revealed an abundant series of archaic ceramics, specifically dating between the end of the 7th century and the first half of the 6th century BC. We then proceeded to a general photogrammetric recording of the “archaic temple”. Further investigations within the cella of the latter were led in the form of two trenches. They confirmed the existence of two construction phases, the first one seeming to date back to the second half of the 7th century BC.

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