Deux parures archaïques en bronze de type oriental trouvées dans les fouilles de 1970 au temple archaïque de Policoro

Stéphane Verger


Two bronze ornaments were found in the archaic temple of Policoro during the 1970 excavation. They were probably
manufactured in Eastern Greece during the 7th century BC. The first item is a plate-decorated fibula for which there is only one other example in the Artemision of Ephesus. It can be considered a Phrygian-type object from the first half of the 7th century BC. The second object is an elongated spiral earring of an Eastern Greek type. They contribute to a small series of Ionian ornaments found in Policoro and its vicinity. They seem to attest to the presence of individuals from central Ionia, as early as the mid-7th century BC. These items also raise the question about the founding date of the Varatizzo valley sanctuary.

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