Attività di governo riguardo alle acque nelle città comunali (secoli XIII-XIV)

Francesca Bocchi


Among the priorities of municipal governments to make a change in the cities by making them suitable for the development
of the 13th century, there was the addition of abundant drinking water in urban areas. The political-administrative
interventions concerned large and small infrastructures and services for citizens. In Bologna the problem of water
supply was tackled in the last quarter of the 12th century, ensuring that the waters of the Sàvena River and the waters of
the Rhine, reached the city through artificial canals that were built by groups of private entrepreneurs. From the point of
view of the history of the city, these decisions have led to important transformations in the urban network. The actions
of the Municipality of Bologna on the use of water have also involved many other sectors designed to improve the urban
environment and the quality of life of citizens.

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