Aquinum: il cd. edificio absidato. Notizie preliminari (campagna di scavo 2014-2015)



They are identified under the name of “Edificio Absidato” or “Temple of Diana” the ruins of a monument that occupies
a central location in the urbanist scheme aquinate, to the Northeast of the theater and practically at the intersection
between cardo and the decumanus maximus. The ruins now visible are only the smallest part (the rear) of a much
larger product: it presents itself as an imposing structure in local travertine blocks, well squareed, built without lime.
Just before the apse was excavated years ago, which revealed “a pavement in basoli”. For a long time the dichotomy of
the news did not allow decisive identification. Two excavation campaigns (2014-2015) have highlighted multiple data,
though preliminary, relating to constructive, topographical and historical aspects.

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