Approvvigionamento e distribuzione delle acque: il tratto beneventano dell’acquedotto romano di Serino

Marianna Vigorito


The Serino water system analysis was conducted with the aim of acquiring a more in-depth knowledge of one of the most interesting hydraulic structures in the Campania region. At the very beginning, all published material was collected and also supplemented by archival and archaeological data to better understand the characteristics of the structure, with a special
focus on water distribution within Beneventum. All the elements deriving from antiquated sources and archaeological data were systematized through the hypothesis of a capillary distribution of water from the Rocca dei Rettori. There, the investigations, preliminary to the restoration work, detected a certain number of factors related to the identification of the area as the location of the castellum acquae, which transported water to the neuralgic places of the city.

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