%e relationship between Seleukos and Babylon can be understood by analyzing
the evidence related to the beginning of Seleukos’ role in the region a$er the death of Alexander
the Great: comparing Greek literary sources and Babylonian documentary sources, we can
!nd in this evidence a fundamental paradigm for the subsequent periods. %e classical sources
describe the actions of the Successors in Babylon from the point of view of the Macedonian
conquerors, who did not hesitate to authorize the plunder of the territory, without any concern
for the local population, when they thought that this was consistent with their strategy. %e
Babylonian documentary sources, however, read (and judge) the deeds of the Successors only
in relation to changes that they introduced in the living conditions of the inhabitants of the
area: they were totally uninterested in international issues, which connected the fate of Babylon
with the rest of Alexander’s empire. In this perspective, Seleukos’ behavior, respectful of the lo-
cal traditions, allows him to stabilize his leading role in Mesopotamia.
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