Alessandro Boschi


SVMMARIVM - Sophoclis fragmenta 334 et 400 Radt traduntur ab Erotiano grammatico
(Gl. Hippocr. α 46 Nachmanson), qui hos versus quasi continuos sint commemorat et
Clytaemnestrae fabulae addicit. Tamen, cum de hac fabula aliunde non constet, studiosi
quidam ex aliis tragoediis eos duci coniecerunt. Praeterea corruptissimus eorum status interpretationem
difficiliorem reddit. Philologicis argumentis argui posse censeo ambos versus
in unum fragmentum coniungendos esse, quod ad procellam ab Athena missam contra Agamemnonem
et alios Achaeos Troia redeuntes pertineat.

ABSTRACT - The Sophoclean fragments 334 and 400 Radt are handed down by the grammarian
Erotian (Gl. Hippocr. α 46 Nachmanson), who quotes these verses as if they were
consecutive and attributes them to Clytemnestra. Nevertheless, since this play is not otherwise
attested, some scholars have conjectured that the verses quoted by Erotian are taken from
other tragedies. Moreover, the very corrupt state of these verses complicates further their interpretation.
Through my philological analysis, the verses can be interpreted as a single fragment
in reference to the storm-wind sent by Athena against Agamemnon and other Achaeans
returning from Troy.

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