Pascoli «sommo latinista» in un giudizio di J.J. Hartman*
SVMMARIVM – Quaeritur quid vir doctissimus I.I. Hartmannus significare voluerit in libro
suo (tam Batavice quam Italice et Latine edito) De Ioanne Pascolo poeta latino, ubi contenditur«summum fuisse latinistam Pascolum».
ABSTRACT – J.J. Hartman’s judgment of Pascoli as «the greatest Latinist of our times» is to
be understood according to the principles of the Dutch school of philological studies embodied
by C.G. Cobet and his pupils. In its opposition to German Altertumswissenschaft, Cobet’s
school continued to admire and cultivate the humanistic tradition of Latin composition, and
the production of Latin poems.
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