Autorialità esibita e autorialità dissimulata nel testo platonico: la VII Lettera e il Fedone

Stefano Jedrkiewicz


Authorial markers specifically providing an authorial self-identification
easily come into full evidence within the text of the Platonic Letters. They enjoy far
less visibility within the text of the Platonic Dialogues. This study compares some explicit
authorial markers to be found within the text of the VII Letter with the authorial
marker possibly provided within the Phaedo by the incidental remark that Plato was
not attending Socrates’ death. The comparison aims at showing how such two deeply
diverging stylistic modalities can produce the same kind of rhetorical effects. They
can notably insinuate that the peculiar contents of the respective text could have been
devised by no other author than “Plato”.

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