Insegnare educando, educare insegnando: scuola e vita nei progymnasmata di Libanio attraverso l’esempio di Diogene (su Lib. Prog. 3. 2, VIII, 74, 1-82, 11 F.)

Gianluigi Tomassi


Abstract: Libanius’ progymnasmata fulfill a plurality of functions which are not limited
to providing rhetorical and critical skills to students. An exemplary case can be seen
in one of the anecdotes contained in the collection (Lib. Prog. 3. 2, VIII, 74, 1-82, 11 F.).
In addition to constituting an elaborated school exercise, this anecdote is an exhortation
to philosophy through the figure of Diogenes
of Sinope; an ideal tool to convey
to students behavior patterns and civic values peculiarly
similar to those endorsed in
the ps.-Plutarchean De liberis educandis; a praise of Libanius
himself and an important
testimony of the universal value of education.

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