Libanio, De Socratis silentio 25: non Damone ma «Ammon», l’antenato di Callia

Gianfranco Mosconi


Abstract: In Lib. decl. 2, 25, «οὐκ ἐν ἄμμωνος» (mss.) has been always corrected in οὐκ
ἐν Δάμωνος because there are no testimonies about a shrine of Ammon or about some
individual with such a name in Athens. However from Heracl. Pont. fr. 58 Wehrli2 we
know that ὁ Ἄμμων was the nickname of Hipponicus, great-grandfather of Callia (the
character of the Platonic Protagoras), who is mentioned immediately before. We therefore
propose the correction τοῦ ἐκ Ἄμμωνος («Ammon’s descendant»), referred to the
antecedent ἐν Καλλίου.

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