La Casa del Marinaio in Pompei (VII 15, 1-2. 16). Osservazioni sulla scoperta della Domus e nuove evidenze archeologiche

Ernesto De Carolis, Roberta Pardi


Th e essay is divided in two parts. In the fi rst, the author retraces the history of the discovery of the domus and of its restorations until the postwar
period. Th e author also puts forward hypotheses regarding the impact of the diff erent phases of the eruption on the building. Th e second
part describes the results of stratigraphic investigations carried out in 2014, concomitantly with restoration work carried out in the garden, the
semi-hypogeal rooms, and the balneum (h’) in the framework of the Grande Progetto Pompei. Th e excavation shed light on the appearance of
the garden before the earthquake of 62 AD. In the semi-hypogeal level, it revealed an earlier bread oven incorporated into the structure. In the
thermal sector, the excavation of the balneum (h’) allowed for a new interpretation of this room’s function.
Keywords; discovery of the domus, restoration, garden, oven, thermal sector

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