La fattoria romana di loc. Madea-Conchitelle (San Chirico Raparo, PZ). Un nucleo rurale in un territorio romanizzato della Val d’Agri (Basilicata)



During rescue archaeological activities, a residential and productive building was identied, in use for an extended pe-
riod of time, between the Republican and Late Imperial periods, and only partially investigated. +e structure, which
is located on top of a well-demarcated plateau in the Conchitelle-Madea locality of S. Chirico Raparo (PZ), ts well
into the rich archaeological palimpsest that denes, as early as the 4th century B.C., a landscape characterized by a
scattered and dispersed population, with settlement nuclei, farmsteads with attached necropoleis, and a cult place. +e
excavation that was carried out o/ers us new insights into various aspects of the settlement, and more generally on the
occupation of the inland areas of the region during the Roman period. Furthermore, it constitutes a virtuous example
of synergy between the public and private sectors for the preservation and valorization of a local territory.

Keywords: Ancient Lucania; Rescue Archaeology; Ager Grumentinus; Residential and productive building.

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