Osservazioni sulla policromia degli intonaci della necropoli rupestre ellenistica di Norchia

Laura Ambrosini


3e monumental rock-cut necropolis of Norchia (VT) with its half-cube tombs is an excellent example of the ancient
landscape, characterized by similar funerary types even after the Romanization. 3e study analyze the polychromies of
the plaster on the sub-façade chamber of a tomb partially digged in Norchia in 2019 in the Acqualta zone, and then it
is also extended to the reconstruction of the original polychromies of the façades of the other Hellenistic rock-cut tombs of Norchia and those of southern Etruria especially in the Viterbo area. 3e plaster’s analyzes carried out both in situ
and on small samples (Fiber Optic Reectance Spectroscopy, X-Ray Fluorescence, X-Ray Di6ractometry, Stratigraphic
Sections analyzed with Scanning Electron Microscope, Mineral-Petrographic analyzes) allows to learn more about the
making technique of plaster and its coloring. 3is is an almost exceptional study case since the remains of such well-pre-
served plaster are not easily found.

Keywords: Plaster’s Polychromies, Etruria, Tombs, Landscape, Analysis.

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