Insediamenti fortificati nella Marsica. Il Castellum Sancti Angeli a Carsoli

Stefano Cecamore


The research is carried out on the historic centre of Carsoli (AQ) and in particular on the Castellum Sancti Angeli, a fortress
in defence of the Marsican Region. The old town portrays an enriched urban structure, resulting in spiritual and residential
buildings as well as of defence. The restoration project aims at designing and planning the preservation of the “remaining
structures” by arresting the decay of the existing facilities and securing safety management. The highly historic and abandoned
context does not allow any room for hypothetical reconstruction of the missing parts or inserts of new manufactured products,
however, it invites to discover areas of the surrounding landscapes through routes, crossings and breaks in green equipped areas
leading and suggesting the visitor to see the possibly unseen.

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