Un rilievo da Alessandria con dedica a tre divinità da parte di un collegio

Carla Salvaterra


The article analyses a small base with relief, preserved in the Graeco-Roman Museum in Alexandria,
Egypt: the iconography presents the triad formed by Minerva, Serapis and Heracles and the text
of the inscription [IGR I, 5, 1314 = TM 102714] is a dedication of an association (κολλήγιον) to
the gods Soteres. In this contribution, the different peculiarities of the iconography and of the inscription
are discussed. The article addresses the reasons that may have led to link the three divine
figures and inquires the use of the Latin loanword κολλήγιον, with a systematic analysis of the
parallel testimonies. Finally, some hypotheses are formulated for the possible origin, and ancient
location as well as of the reasons and commissioning of the artefact.

Keywords: Alessandria, dedication, Minerva, Serapis, Heracles, κολλήγιον, Latin loanword in Greek

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