[T.] Flavius Pergamus: alcune riflessioni sugli incarichi di Narbonense e dell’isola di Corsica

Sofia Piacentin


This work examines the formula [pr]oc(uratori) provinc(iae) Narbo[ne]nsis item insulae [Cyr]ni in the
inscription of the freedman procurator [T.] Flavius Pergamus from Ephesus (IK-13, 855 = AEp 1982,
877). It explores the meaning of the term item within this specific titulature, and the geographical
and cultural proximity of Corsica and Gallia Narbonensis. In the end, it suggests that [T.] Flavius
Pergamus might have worked in Corsica, presumably in the Trajan age, under the supervision
of the equestrian procurator of Gallia Narbonensis, in charge of managing imperial properties
in this province.

Keywords: Imperial procurators, imperial properties, Corsica, Gallia Narbonensis, item

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