Inscripción sobre plomo procedente de la presa romana de Mues (Navarra)

Pablo Ozcáriz, Javier Velaza


This article examines an inscription on lead found at the Roman dam of Mues, Navarra. The difficulties
of accessing its original location and the peculiarities it presents greatly hinder its comprehension
and analysis. The inscription consists of two writing areas and is executed with a generally
neglected technique, although with significant differences in both zones. The text includes a
dating on the XV Kalends of October, the names of a pair of magistrates, the probable mention of
various elements of the dam’s mechanism (accea, buxis), as well as materials used in its construction
or mechanism (plumbata), in addition to references to a weighing activity and the quantities
obtained (atpensavi, l[…], p[…], p[…] p[…]). This inscription contributes with new information
to the already rich body of Roman epigraphy related to water management and its infrastructure
in the Ebro Valley.

Keywords: Lead inscription, Roman dam, public works, weighing, aediles, mechanism, water management,
Mues, Navarra, Ebro Valley.

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