Las unidades productivas de las ánforas olearias béticas (Dressel 20, ca. 30-270 d.C.)
In my opinion, the Baetican olive oil amphorae were stamped to control and coordinate the activity
of figlinae that were internally divided as part of their productive organization. From this point
of view, the contents of the stamps would represent the different elements of the organizational
scheme that were involved in the production of the amphorae. The units of production would be
the simplest element of these organizational schemes that are recorded within the contents of the
stamps. However, before focusing on the characteristics of these basic elements of the productive
organization of the figlinae, we must first get to know some aspects of the Baetican stamping system,
as well as to establish the interpretative framework for the production of the amphorae and
describe the basic characteristics of the organizational schemes of these figlinae.
Keywords: Roman epigraphy, instrumentum domesticum inscriptum, amphora stamps, Dressel 20,
productive organization.
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