Definizione e misurazione dello spazio funerario nell’epigrafia tardorepubblicana e protoimperiale lungo la via Latina (I-III miglio). Un’indagine campione

Lorenzo De Cinque


The funerary space in Late Republican and Early Imperial epigraphy of Rome presents a specific
formulary – the indicatio pedaturae – that allows us to reason about the measurements of burial
plots. By correlating this data with the contexts in which the cippus were found along the road
axes, it is possible to attempt to reconstruct the suburban funerary landscape and the economy
that revolved around these loca. In the present contribution, it will consider the terms related to
funerary enclosures identified within the III mile of via Latina, trying to grasp the criteria of definition
and measurement of the funerary space along the initial stretch of this important road axis.

Keywords: funerary epigraphy, termini sepulcrorum, funerary enclosures, Rome, Via Latina.

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