L. Aconius Callistus s. Cynegius e l’ascesa di una famiglia di Volsinii in età imperiale

Giovanni Alberto Cecconi


The article consists of two elements integrated with each other: on the one hand, the reconstruction
of the rise of the Aconi Callisti of Volsinii, of which the entire epigraphic dossier is reviewed,
until reaching the clarissimate, attested by a text of the catacomb of S. Cristina; on the
other hand, the first commented edition of the third century epigraph (currently preserved in
the archaeological area of Poggio Moscini at Bolsena) of a L. Aconius Callistus s. Cynegius, a Roman
knight and member of the regional élite, a document already known for decades but never photographed
and published, which is, at the present state of our knowledge, an essential link in
the history of the family.

Keywords: Volsinii (Bolsena), Aconii, municipal elite, new inscription; L. Aconius Callistus s. Cynegius,
catacomb of S. Cristina.

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