Non solo tombe. Apprestamenti, rituali e arredi nelle necropoli di Roma. Dati preliminari

Giordana Giorgini


The goal of this article, based on archaeological and epigraphic evidence relating to the presence of sepulchral annexes functional to
the rites in the necropolis of Rome, is to shed light on many aspects of Roman funerary rituals, on the functioning and use of burial
grounds. The function of the sepulchral annexes is linked to the performance of funerary practices which include not only religious
activities – funeral banquets, offerings, commemorative celebrations – but also tasks for cleaning and ordinary maintenance. The
appearance of this phenomenon is divided into three chronological phases: the first one starts from the last quarter of the first century
B.C., the second one starting from the second century A.D. and the last one is ascribable to the beginning of the third century A.D.

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