Una mostra dell’aqua Marcia in via Salita del Grillo presso i Mercati di Traiano

Massimo Vitti


Inside the building complex of the Salita del Grillo, near Mercati di Traiano in Rome, there is a rectangular structure with an apse
on the wall in the background. The analysis of the remains has established that it is a monumental nymphaeum dated to the Middle
Republican age supplied by a branch of the acqua Marcia aqueduct (144 B.C.). This is the oldest public nymphaeum found in Rome
and the typology and construction techniques of the monument are similar to contemporary nymphaeums found in the Lazio region,
in Italy. The position of the nymphaeum allows to establish the path of the acqua Marcia towards the Capitol Hill and provides
important elements for the area's topography reconstruction.

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