Fortuna Huiusce Diei: Pidna, i Campi Raudii e il tempio B di Largo Argentina

Francesco Marcattili


This paper investigates the reason why Q. Lutatius Catulus selected a round plan for the temple that he dedicated to Fortuna Huiusce
Diei. Through a new examination of literary sources, the first reason is identified with the role that the Sun had in ensuring the victory
for the Roman army at the Campi Raudii (101 BC). This battle took place soon after the summer solstice (PLUT., Mar., 26, 8), the day
on which Fors Fortuna was celebrated. Furthermore, the relations between L. Aemilius Paulus and the same temple/cult of Fortuna
Huiusce Diei are examined. The author observes some analogies between the battle of the Campi Raudii and the victory of Pydna (168
BC), equally achieved in conjunction with the summer solstice. Finally, considering the foundation in the same area of the ‘Aemilian’
temple of the Lares Permarini – whose dies natalis fell on December 22 on the days of the winter solstice –, the author proposes to
connect the ‘cappellaccio’-structure explored below the levels of Temple B – structure incorporated and ‘respected’ by the foundations
of the aedes rotunda – with a previous sacred place dedicated by L. Aemilius Paulus to Fortuna Huiusce Diei.

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