Studio geologico sulla provenienza del Tufo del Palatino (‘cappellaccio’) impiegato nella costruzione del basamento del Tempio di Giove

Fabrizio Marra, Ortwin Dally, Alberto Danti, Daniel Patrick Diffendale, Claudio Parisi Presicce


This work discusses the results of a geological-geochemical study, aimed at determining the origin of blocks of Tufo del Palatino used for the construction
of the foundations of the Temple of Jupiter. Through the reconstruction of the underground trend and outcrop areas of Tufo del Palatino, extraction
sites mentioned by historical sources and recent literature were recognized and sampled, in order to compare their geochemical signature with that of the
cut blocks used by Roman builders.
The results of this study highlight the origin of the tuff blocks from the outcrop still partially visible today along the south-eastern side of the Capitoline
Hill, where the extraction area must have been located.

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