Rocca Savelli (Colle Aventino, Roma). Storia e archeologia dell’architettura: primi risultati

Andrea Fiorini


This paper concerns the results of the archaeological investigations at the Savelli fortress on the Aventine Hill in Rome. This fortification surrounds a
well-known park of the city: the Giardino degli Aranci. The research has been addressed to improve the knowledge on a topic of great historical interest:
the architectural typologies developed by Roman aristocratic families in order to defend their properties. Locating Rocca Savelli within a specific architectural
typology is problematic, due to the lack of research on this site. The research team of the Department of History, Culture and Civilisation of the
University of Bologna has surveyed the remains, studied their building features and documented stratigraphic data. This paper summarises the preliminary
results of such research effort.

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