Frammenti di famiglie illustri: l’iscrizione di Caius Ummidius Quadratus Sallustius dal Foro di Augusto

Simone Pastor


The museum of the Imperial Forums conserves a fragmentary inscription probably found during the excavations of the years 1924-1936, at the Forum
of Augustus and now conserved in the deposits. This note proposes a new integration of the text and a more accurate dating, starting from prosopographical
studies on the mentioned character, the young C(aius) Ummidius Quadratus Sallustius, who dedicated the epigraph to Mars Ultor on the occasion
of the assumptions of the toga virilis. This text allows us to observe interesting fragments of some of the most illustrious families of Rome, the Sallusti
and the Ummidi, and their relations with the imperial power.

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