Il Circo Flaminio, la Forma Urbis e gli onori funebri tributati a Germanico nel 19 d.C.

Pier Luigi Tucci


The re-examination of the Tabula Tifernatis Tiberina in 2010 and the discovery of fragment 31 ll of the Severan Forma Urbis in 2000 clarified the text
of the senatusconsultum of AD 19 dealing with the postumous honours for Germanicus and shed new light on the eastern sector of the Circus Flaminius,
respectively. These documents, however, have not been put into relationship to date and, even when examined independently, their importance has not
been fully understood. The author argues that the honorary arch decreed to Germanicus in the Circus Flaminius was flanked by another monument –
aditus – that might be depicted on the new fragment of the marble plan, and questions whether their sculptural decoration was arranged differently from
current reconstructions. The possible existence of another honorary arch next to the Tiber, which had been dismissed by an inaccurate overlay of fragment
31 ll on the modern topography, requires a re-consideration of the arch dedicated to Drusus the Younger after his death in AD 23 and of its relationship
with the arch of Germanicus that is currently identified with the ianus depicted on fragment 31 u next to the Porticus of Octavia.

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