Attestazioni di apparecchiature murarie in opera a telaio al Rione Terra di Pozzuoli*

Lucia Manuela Proietti


Archaeological excavations in Puteoli, Rione Terra, enriched the knowledge of ancient
building techniques, isolating through stratigraphic relations, the oldest ones,
dated back to the early stages of occupation of the promontory. Structures in opus
quadratum, opus africanum and opus pseudopoligonale, are attested on the area of
the land. Some structures in opus africanum, that is a specific technique used on the
promontory, since the beginning of the colony, in 194 B.C., shortly, are presented, in
this work.
Keywords: Rione terra, Puteoli, opera a telaio, terrazzamenti, tecniche edilizie di età
tardo repubblicana.

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