Edifici termali e sviluppo urbanistico. Analisi preliminari di alcune città costiere della Sardegna romana

Sabatino Martello


The public baths had a great importance between the end of the republic and the first
centuries of the imperial age both for their public aspect and for their monumental
one. The harbour areas looking on to the sea or near the forum became essential
points for the construction of these buildings used not only for their practical- functional
aspect but specially for the monumental and visual effect evoked by them. It
is evident that like in the imperial age, the visual, monumental and scenographical
aspect is considered one of the most important reasons for the construction of these
buildings that, with fountains, nymphaea and aqueducts, took part in a process of valorisation
leading to a change in the urban structure of the Sardinian cities and of many
cities of the empire.
Keywords: Roman architecture - Public baths - Roman town planning - Sardinia – Urban

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