Il ruolo annonario di Melita*

Piero A. Gianfrotta


Paul’s journey was held on two Alexandrine ships transporting grain. Probably he
embarked on the first ship at Myra, whereas the second one was directed towards
Puteoli. Annonary ships followed standard routes, that could change due to meteorological
conditions. During the long seasonal stops, grain loads, running the risk of being
damaged for humidity reasons, were possibly unloaded and stored in horrea. Within
the general organization of the annona, “transit” horrea must have been very frequent.
Three months after Paulus’ shipwreck, the departure from Melita took place on another
Alexandrine ship which spent the winter there. In this case too, the goods transported
may have been temporarily stored in harbour horrea. The early leaving of the
ship in late January, a quite dangerous period, was intended at granting grain supplies
out of season. Therefore, annonary ships used to transit and to stop in Maltese Islands,
an important reference point within the routes of South-Eastern Mediterranean.
Keywords: Paul’s journey, Alexandrine annonary ships, Cossura, Melita, horrea, lead

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