Temi augustei a Falerii Novi: i disiecta membra dalla Porta Borgiana. Per un inquadramento tipologico, stilistico e cronologico dei rilievi marmorei reimpiegati

Stefano De Angeli


The marble reliefs reused in the Porta Borgiana of Civita Castellana are undoubtedly the most important Augustan and Julio-Claudian disiecta membra from Falerii Novi and its territory. A careful examination of the individual sculptural fragments has been conducted, with the purpose of identifying possible recompositions, and thus proposing a reconstruction of the original decorative schemes. On the basis of the stylistic analysis, the dating of the marble reliefs is then addressed, as well as the common belonging to a same building, to be most likely identified with a funerary monument.

Keywords: Falerii Novi, Porta Borgiana, architectural reliefs, scrollwork, funerary monuments

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