La centuriazione e l’organizzazione del territorio della Colonia Iulia Felix Lucus Feroniae

Gianfranco Gazzetti


The purpose of this paper is to provide an essential picture of the changes in the territorial organization of the Colonia Iulia Felix Lucus Feroniae during the imperial age, as they emerge evidently in the traces of centuriation along the main territorial axes constituted by the viae Campana and Capenate. The archaeological excavations carried out between 2004 and 2008 showed a different orientation of the new agricultural division of the Augustan age compared to the oldest of the republican era, and indicated that the one carried out by the emperor Trajanus restitutor Coloniae seems oriented on the axis of the via Capenate. The persistence of necropolises and villas along via Capenate still in Late Antiquity show that the population continued to inhabit the area, albeit partially, at least until the 6th century A.D.

Keywords: Lucus Feroniae, centuriation, via Campana, via Capenate, Flavianum

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