Il popolamento dell’agro sabatino tra la tarda età repubblicana e gli inizi dell’epoca imperiale

Maria Clara Aloisi


The present paper highlights the population dynamics between the late Republican Age and the beginnings of the Principate in the ager Sabatinus, connected with processes of land concentration which led to the birth of large farms organized according to the “modo di produzione schiavistico”. The investigation proceeds through links and comparisons with studies, including recent ones, conducted in the neighboring territories with a view to research for extensive sectors. The relationships between the local notability and the princeps are also focused and the local / urban dynamics are identified in the exercise of the policy that contributed to the establishment of the new regime. Finally, the field investigation, combined with the analysis of all the documentation so far known, made it possible to propose the identification of the temple of Bona Dea and the adjacent vicus, attested by epigraphs and never identified, with the archaeological area located in the toponym C. Vigna Orsini.

Keywords: ager Sabatinus, augustean age, Bona Dea

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