Popolamento e territorio nell’agro a settentrione di Falerii Novi dal II sec. a.C. all’età augustea

Francesca Letizia Rizzo


The Augustan policy in the Ager Faliscus is defined by municipal and land registry activities, know mainly by ancient sources and epigraphical data. The status of municipium of Falerii Novi in the Augustan age is the arrival point of a long-term process, coming from the conquest in the 241 B.C. The aim of this paper is to analyse this “golden age” through a traditional topographical point of view. Using field survey, archaeological data and epigraphs, it aims to define the land organisation resulting from the conquest, focusing on infrastructural and agrarian works. In addition, it intends to outline the transformations of Faliscans across the Romanisation, establishing their relationship with the new gentes and trying to identify the land properties, with particular attention to land distributions to veterans. At least, it attempts to recognise on the field the princeps’s actions, focusing on infrastructures, restoration of traditional cults also on possible imperial praedia.

Keywords: Ager Faliscus, land distributions, veterans, traditional cults, imperial praedia

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