Cultura tessile a Pompei: i tessuti e gli impianti per la lavorazione della lana (lanariae)



di Marco Galli, Francesca Coletti, Giacomo Casa

Since 2014 the “Textile culture at Pompeii Project” is investigating a broad range of
archaeological contexts and materials such as fabrics, textile imprints, tools and the
production contexts in the Vesuvian city. The article focuses on some results concerning
the spaces dedicated to the textile production process and the textile materials.
Specifically, the significant case-study of a domus-workshop is briefly discussed, i.e.
the Domus del Camillo (VII, 12, 23), which is to be interpreted as officina lanaria (in
place of the misleading definition of lanifricaria). Moreover, the analysis of carbonized
textile fragments offers new insights on the standardization degree of several wool
products from the Vesuvian area. This quality of the Pompeian textile manufacturing
is confirmed by some comparisons which can be detected on the fabric’s imprints on
the human plaster casts of Pompeii.
Keywords: Pompeii, Plaster Casts, Workshops, Ancient Textile, Archaeometry

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