LAMACO IN SICILIA : πλεῖν ἐπὶ Συρακούσας

Calogero Miccichè


Within the vast bibliography on the second Athenian expedition in Sicily, the inattention
of modern scholars towards Lamachus, the commander chosen with Alcibiades and Nicias at
the helm of the fl eet that in June of 415 BC sailed to the island, is undeniable. Th is refl ects the
low interest of ancient sources due to the lack of his credibility and political importance, despite
the fact that during the Rhegium summit Lamachus presented a proposal that would have
deserved more attention: attack without delay Syracuse. His death, following the imprudent
attempt to rescue a struggling Athenian contingent, marks the beginning of the diffi culties that
caused the fi nal disaster along the Asinarus River.

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