Costruttori e costruzioni greche nella Cisalpina di età ellenistica: il caso di Aquileia1

Jacopo Bonetto


The paper discusses the results of the recent archaeological investigations carried out along a section of the Roman republican city wall of Aquileia, in northern Italy. The excavation documented for the first time some building features that denote close similarities to technicalconstruction
practices already in use in the Greek world, such as the use of fired bricks and the homogeneous masonry. Similar indications also come from the study of the format and metrological standards used in the production of the bricks used in the city wall Aquileia and in many other buildings of the Cisalpina region. Furthermore, clear signs of the likely presence of Greek architects in northern Italy in the late Hellenistic period are visible in Aquileia through the layout of the gates and towers of the fortifications, which find references in Magna Graecia and in the Peloponnesian cities.

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